WELCOME TO Digi-Logic Platforms


Navigating Technology with

Digital Logistics Team

Care & Support, Every Step of the Way!

App Design and Development - Web Design and Development  - CRM Solutions: Invoicing & Database Management -

Email and SMS Marketing - Social Media Automation & Marketing - Content Creation - Content Deployment

Designing and developing innovative mobile applications and websites. Crafting seamless and visually appealing online experiences. Providing comprehensive CRM solutions, including invoicing, database management, and email and SMS marketing. Automating social media management for effortless and efficient online presence.


Latest & Greatest Development Solutions

We make IT

Happen every day

Maynard S. Timmons Sr.

Founder & CEO

Maynard S. Timmons Sr., the meticulous yet eccentric founder and CEO of Digital Logistics Team, is committed to assisting global businesses with flawless digital solutions. His fervor is in empowering innovators to manage their unique platforms effectively.

Within the framework of the Digital Logistics Team, he inspires his team to create innovative mobile apps, websites, CRM solutions, and social media management services. Maynard Sr. is a visionary entrepreneur spearheading the digital transformation for businesses, alongside providing exceptional customer service. Rely on The Digital Logistics Team to skillfully navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with precision and expertise that will ensure your business operations are smooth and lucrative.


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